Regions of the Order

Delegação do Brasil

In 1934, Crosiers went for the first time to Brazil as missionaries, mostly to serve in diocesan parishes. During the following years, some Brazilian members joined the Order. In the more recent history of the Crosiers’ presence in Brazil, stronger emphasis was put on recruitment by motivating young men for living the charism of Crosier religious life in community. In 2011, four Brazilian confreres were entrusted with the re-foundation of Crosier life in the city of Campo Belo in the state of Minas Gerais. Shortly after, two confreres from Indonesia joined this community. Together with a small number of Crosier candidates, efforts are made to further establish Crosier religious life through fraternal community, Crosier initial formation, and service to the people of God in the local church. Next to the campus of the Dom Cabral school, Crosiers recently built a new monastery complex. Dom Cabral school remains an apostolic project of the Campo Belo community. Since the structure of this Crosier community is called a General Delegation, the master general of the Order serves as the immediate major superior. Two Dutch Crosier missionaries are living in the ‘neighboring’ city of Belo Horizonte.

Contact Information:

Cruzios Brasil

Rua Expedicionário Pedro Neves, 90

Caixa Postal 2

37270-000 Campo Belo MG, Brasil

Tel +55 35 3831.1739



Web Site Link:

Province Martyrs de Bondo

Crosier communities in Congo are in the eastern region of North Kivu and in the capital city of Kinshasa. In 2021, these communities were established as the province of Martyrs de Bondo. It was in 1984 that four Crosiers from Europe started afresh with living the Order’s charism in a Congolese diocese, different from the original foundations in the diocese of Bondo (1920). The diocese of Beni-Butembo welcomed the Order to enrich the local church with its charism and to also recruit new membership. This fresh beginning resulted in a gradual increase of candidates for the Order’s life in Africa. Nowadays, there are about 100 Congolese Crosiers, two-thirds of whom are in initial formation or advanced studies. Other confreres are charged with pro-provincial and community leadership, administration and management, Crosier initial formation tasks, teaching at seminars and secondary schools, parish ministry, staffing a ‘Listening Centre’ for the accompaniment of war-victims (East Congo) and a ‘Center for street children’ (Mboka Bolingani, Kinshasa), farming, etc. Several Crosiers have been trained to teach at the “Institut Supérieur de la Sainte Croix Mulo” with faculties for philosophy, clinical psychology and agronomy. Crosier religious life in the province developed under the supervising and supporting leadership of the Province of Blessed Theodore de Celles in Europe.

Contact Information:

Croisiers Musienene-Mutinga

B.P. 559

Butembo N.Kivu, Rp. Dem. Congo

Tel +243 977 875 282


Province Blessed Theodore de Celles

Crosiers have been present in Europe since the origin of the Order in the early 13th century. The province of Europe is named after the Order’s founder of the first community of the Brothers of the Holy Cross at Clair-Lieu in Huy (now in the country of Belgium). The name of the founder was only identified in a 17th century history of the Order: Theodore de Celles. The European province was erected in 2000. Crosiers of Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany merged into one province. The recent history of this area of the Order is marked by aging and decline: from about 140 members in 2000 to around 50 today. A significant number of communities have been closed and properties sold. However, even in their old age, confreres invest themselves energetically in a faithful religious life in line with the inspiration and tradition of the Order, especially in the priories of Saint Agatha (founded in 1372), Maaseik (1855) and Hannut (1904). The pro-province of Martyrs de Bondo in the Democratic Republic of Congo is a dependent part of the province. The former Belgian province established an Association of the Holy Cross, which continues to inspire and motivate Christian lay people to share in the charism and spirituality of the Order.

Contact Information:

Provincialaat Kruisheren

Kloosterlaan 26

5435 XD Sint Agatha, Nederland

Tel +31 485 31 28 89 (convent) / +31 485 31 92 80 (prior provincial)


Web Site Link:

Province Sang Kristus

The province of Sang Kristus in Indonesia is at this moment the largest Crosier area of the Order, with about 160 members, including the many candidates in initial formation. There are about 20 communities. Most of them are small and linked with a parish. In recent years, the province established Crosier life in four priories. Three of these normative Crosier communities are in the city of Bandung. One priory is in Agats, Papua Indonesia. Crosiers are also present in and around the capital city of Jakarta. Crosiers offer their pastoral services on the Island of Nias, and in the city of Medan in North Sumatra. Several confreres have studied abroad (Rome, Nijmegen, Manila, Chicago, …) and have obtained degrees in theology, philosophy and psychology to teach at the UNPAR university at Bandung. Crosiers in Indonesia are known for their Pratista retreat centre, located in the refreshing hills outside the busy city of Bandung. To promote the liturgical life in the Catholic Church of Indonesia, Crosiers founded ILSKI (Institute for Liturgy Sang Kristus Indonesia). The bishop of the diocese of Bandung, Mgr. Antonius Subianto Bunyamin OSC, is a Crosier. In 2015, the General Chapter elected Mgr. Laurentius Tarpin OSC, then prior provincial of Sang Kristus, as the 58th Master General of the Order.

Contact Information:


Jln. Nias 2

Bandung 40117

Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Tel. +62 22.4207943


Web Site Link:

Conventual Priory of the Holy Cross

Two Crosier communities in the United States of America form the Conventual Priory of the Holy Cross. One of htese communities is in Onamia, is a small town in the state of Minnesota. It is here that in 1910 a first mission station of the Crosiers was established by Dutch missionaries. Many Crosiers were alumni of the former Crosier schools at Onamia and Wawasee, Indiana. Today, the Onamia community hosts the initial formation program of the Conventual Priory, and offers through its witness of faithful Crosier religious life an example for novices and young professed members. Crosiers at Onamia also provide pastoral and sacramental ministries and assistance in surrounding parishes. The Phoenix community in the state of Arizona recently relocated its community to Crosier Village in South Phoenix. Confreres in Phoenix build Crosier community life, celebrate the daily conventual liturgy and provide several forms of pastoral service to the local church and society through a variety of ministries in English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Bahasa Indonesia: spiritual accompaniment training, senior home visits, Cross Walk Veterans’ Program, citizenship preparation classes for immigrants, assisting families of those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. The Conventual Priory has two lay associate programs, the Association of the Companions of the Holy Cross in Phoenix and the Crosier Associates in Onamia.

Contact Information:

Conventual Priory Office

717 East Southern Ave.

Phoenix AZ 85040 USA

Tel +1 602.443.7100


Web Site Link: