
The first brothers of the Holy Cross chose the Rule of Augustine as a vital form of evangelical community… Its message is clear: “First of all, and this is why you have entered community life, you must live with one purpose in the house of the Lord, and must have one heart and one mind in God” [Rule of Augustine, 3]. Unity with one another is an inescapable demand for those who are on the way to God. In love for one another, we meet the Lord. Human unity through love reaches out beyond itself and surges on towards ultimate Unity, perfect Peace and all-encompassing Love. Or, in words of our father Augustine: “We become one in the one Christ towards the one Father” [Exposition on Ps. 147, 28] Constitutions 3.1


Our liturgical and community prayer is a special offering of praise to the Father in union with the prayer of Christ and with the whole People of God. Here we become united in the Lord to give expression and nourishment to that unity to which we are called. From this follows the need for each community to come together regularly to pray. Indeed, it is our special vocation, one handed down through the ages by our predecessors, to foster the liturgy of the Church in this manner. Constitutions 17.1

When you pray to God in psalms and hymns, think over in your hearts the words that come from your lips. Rule of Augustine 12

Daily Mass in English:
Mon-Fri about 7:25am
Sat-Sun about 8:25am

Apr-Nov: Basilica
Dec-Mar: Chapel 


Since the Lord has called us as part of the Church to serve him in our fellow men and women, we look upon our whole life as a following of Christ, who spent himself, even unto death, for the salvation of others. Our mission to service, originating in baptism, should be strengthened by the triple bond of our vows so that the charity whose growth they foster may urge us to be one with all people, to which indeed “the love of Christ urges us on” (II Corinthians 5, 14). Constitutions 20.2

We likewise hold ourselves in readiness to serve the Church, according to our means, wherever there is need. Our desire is to follow Christ, who gave himself completely on the Cross, by giving ourselves totally to the needs of others so that indeed “the poor have good news brought to them” (Matthew 11, 5). Constitutions 21.3